Milton Keynes Dons

FA Cup highlights: Reading 3-2 MK Dons

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League Table

Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection {#1949 // resources/views/components/league-table.blade.php
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        0 => "*"
    23 => App\Models\LeagueTable {#1982
      #connection: "mysql"
      #table: "league_tables"
      #primaryKey: "id"
      #keyType: "int"
      +incrementing: true
      #with: []
      #withCount: []
      +preventsLazyLoading: false
      #perPage: 15
      +exists: true
      +wasRecentlyCreated: false
      #escapeWhenCastingToString: false
      #attributes: array:16 [
        "id" => 92
        "league_id" => 8
        "team_id" => 104
        "team_name" => "Forest Green Rovers"
        "form" => "WLLLW"
        "position" => 24
        "played" => 45
        "won" => 10
        "drawn" => 9
        "lost" => 26
        "for" => 43
        "against" => 78
        "gd" => -35
        "points" => 39
        "created_at" => "2024-04-24 01:11:09"
        "updated_at" => "2024-04-24 01:11:09"
      #original: array:16 [
        "id" => 92
        "league_id" => 8
        "team_id" => 104
        "team_name" => "Forest Green Rovers"
        "form" => "WLLLW"
        "position" => 24
        "played" => 45
        "won" => 10
        "drawn" => 9
        "lost" => 26
        "for" => 43
        "against" => 78
        "gd" => -35
        "points" => 39
        "created_at" => "2024-04-24 01:11:09"
        "updated_at" => "2024-04-24 01:11:09"
      #changes: []
      #casts: []
      #classCastCache: []
      #attributeCastCache: []
      #dateFormat: null
      #appends: array:1 [
        0 => "goals_for"
      #dispatchesEvents: []
      #observables: []
      #relations: array:1 [
        "team" => App\Models\Team {#2004
          #connection: "mysql"
          #table: "teams"
          #primaryKey: "id"
          #keyType: "int"
          +incrementing: true
          #with: array:1 [ …1]
          #withCount: []
          +preventsLazyLoading: false
          #perPage: 15
          +exists: true
          +wasRecentlyCreated: false
          #escapeWhenCastingToString: false
          #attributes: array:14 [ …14]
          #original: array:14 [ …14]
          #changes: []
          #casts: array:5 [ …5]
          #classCastCache: []
          #attributeCastCache: []
          #dateFormat: null
          #appends: array:7 [ …7]
          #dispatchesEvents: []
          #observables: []
          #relations: array:1 [ …1]
          #touches: []
          +timestamps: true
          +usesUniqueIds: false
          #hidden: array:2 [ …2]
          #visible: []
          #fillable: []
          #guarded: []
      #touches: []
      +timestamps: true
      +usesUniqueIds: false
      #hidden: []
      #visible: []
      #fillable: []
      #guarded: array:1 [
        0 => "*"
  #escapeWhenCastingToString: false